Sunday, July 06, 2008

National Weekend

Well the weekend is winding down even though I have Monday off. Friday the 4th was pretty uneventful. Since my girlfriend had to work both that day and on Saturday I decided to make use of a free movie pass and go see Iron Man for the fifth time. I mean it was a pretty American film of sorts. I mean rich billionaire playboy creates his own exo-suit to kick ass, how much more American can you get? I was suprised the theater was about half full. I was expecting to just be myself (which I was hoping).

Saturday was much better. I had won four tickets to the Fresno Grizzlies game on Sat. and I invited two of my girlfriend and I's friends whom we hadn't seen in a while. The game was good, bit boring though as it was a pitcher's duel and all the runs were scored off home runs. The best part was afterwards there was a fireworks show. This was especially nice since I hadn't seen any fireworks on the 4th. I took a bunch of photos, I'll try to post them in a different post as soon as I am done sorting them.

Today I haven't done much besides play World of Warcraft and watch an internet broadcast of a haunted investigation they do every Sunday from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm PST. The site is

Tomorrow I may see Wall-E with my sister. Waiting to hear back from her.

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