Sunday, August 03, 2008

Iron Man swede

There's a film festival coming up next Saturday and part of it is having people submit sweded movies. What a sweded movie is, is a reanactment of a movie or scene in your own vision. It comes from the movie Be Kind Rewind where they had to create movies with very little resources.

I decided to do Iron Man as I wanted to do something recent and something that hadn't already been done on YouTube. Sure there's a sweded trailer and someone sweded the first part, but mine is the only complete film, including the after credits part. The movie had to be under five minutes and I'm pretty proud that I was able to get the entire movie done with two seconds to spare.

Gotta thank my sister Brittany and her friend Katie, they helped me with filming and acting most of the parts out.

With out further adieu here's the swede.

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