Sunday, September 24, 2006

Hail to the King

Bruce Campbell and I
Originally uploaded by Stormwysper.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a huge B movie fan, and the king of all B movies is Bruce Campbell. He was doing a book signing Friday night at Borders for his new book, Make Love...The Bruce Campbell way.

I orginally wasn't going to go as I figured it would be a huge line, but Tom texted me and asked me if I wanted to see Jackass 2 (which wasn't as good as the first one btw) and to meet him at the IMAX theater around 9:00 and he would have a suprise for me. I had forgotten about the signing and headed on towards Borders where there was a huge line around the building at 8:00. I texted Tom to let him know parking was a bitch cause of the book signing when he called me back to say that the suprise was he bought me the book and was going to get it autographed. So I went back and stood in line with Tom and kept him company.

Finally got to the front around 11:00 and sat down with Bruce. Shook his hand and bullshitted with him for a minute. He was nice enough to take this pic. I give the guy respect. He was signing since around 6:30 and there was like 25 people behind me.


Anonymous said...

Why were you bowling at Borders?

Michael said...

Cause Barnes and Nobles turned their bowling alley into a strip club?

Anonymous said...

That is class right there. Fresno is THE place I want to live.