Sunday, October 15, 2006

My Eleven Year High School Reunion

I graduated from high school in 1995. Last year was my ten year reunion but I didn't go for two reasons. One was that tickets were $65 a person, so my girlfriend and I would have cost $135 for dried up tri-tip and a cheesy band. Two the people that I keep in contact with since school was over are Tom and my cousin Keith. I really had no desire to see anyone else.

Yesterday I was at a family function (Oktoberfest) and Keith was there. He got a call from an old friend who was in town for his ten year high school reunion. He came by for a bit and we caught up on old times and said he would give us a call when the reunion was over. Keith had to run some errands to kill some time, so I decided to help him.

Keith got a call around 9:30 or so from Jeff (our friend) and he was still at the reunion drunk off his ass and needed a sober driver. He also needed help as this one chick and her sister were all over him and he needed to be saved. That and a few of Keith and I's friends, who lived out of state now, wanted to see us. So I follow Keith over there and we get to the parking lot and Jeff is outside. We go inside and see another old friend of ours, Ben, who wants to buy us shots. He gets tequilla from the bar, and it is the cheapest shit I have ever had. It wasn't his fault, but the reunion was at a country club so you think they would have better alcohol. Just then the chick mentioned earlier comes up to Keith, and as I see her turn sideways to me I noticed she had gotten new breasts (she had boy boobs in HS). She starts yelling at Keith to get her sister so they could leave. I had no idea what the fuck this was about and just wished I had more alcohol.

Keith comes back after a minute and says lets go outside to find Jeff. As we head to the smoking area, this girl in a black dress starts flirting with Keith and follows us out there. Of course I told him to give me the sign if he wants me to leave. So we get outside and see Jeff, but he's talking to the guy who bought us booze, and his wife. So we are talking with this chick and she is flirting with Keith and I'm keeping quiet, when she asks his name. He tells her and she says "No way, I live next door to you!" I start cracking up cause Keith can't figure out what the hell is going on, when she explains that she lives in the house south of his parents. She told him her name and we were both shocked as she was fugly in HS, but looked damn good now. So they talked a bit more and she went back inside.

We then wandered over to where Jeff was at and these two girls start talking to us. One is talking to Keith and the other is talking to me. She asks me my name and of course I had no desire to say I graduated a year before, so I said my name was Alexander Sullivan. She introduces herself and she said she was class president, blah blah blah. Of course I had no fucking clue who she was and I told her I was into drugs heavy in high school and didn't remember much. I was clean now and was good. She bought it until Keith said to the girl he was talking to "Oh that's my cousin Mike." I tried to weasel out of this, but they found me out. Thankfully they were too drunk to really care, but still was funny as shit.

Not much really happened after that, I convinced someone I was a director for porn movies so hopefully that rumor got passed around. Another thing that cracked me us is I saw a friend there who graduated two years after me. Keith said he saw him at our's last year and we came to the conclusion that he is a reunion crasher (we had an excuse, we picked up a friend).

I was amazed at how many people looked the same, and more amazed they acted the same. Half didn't recongize me (probably helped witht he fake alias). I remember one chick came up to Keith and started talking to him. I remembered her, but apparently she didn't me. Keith reintroduced me, but she didn't remember. As she was leaving she hugged Keith and then said to me "It was nice seeing you again even though I really don't remember you." The asshole in me said "Don't worry I don't remember you already." It made me laugh as she was really cute back in the day but really let herself go.

Everyone was leaving and heading out to a bar called Casey's. I had no desire to go, but went anyways. Once there I was bored out of my mind and remembered the only reason to go to a bar was to get laid. It was loud and obnoxious in there and I commentated to Keith about how many extra-marital affairs were going to occur tonight. 1:30 hit and I decided to leave, it was so loud in there that I couldn't hear Keith or Jeff talk. So I said my goodbyes and took off.

I can't wait until their twenty year reunion occurs so Keith and I can crash that one as well.

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