Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Back from the Abyss

The funny thing about blogs is that if you don't post for say a week or so, you get used to not posting and that week turns into a month and then six months, etc. That or my life is just so damn boring that I just have jack shit to write about. Feedback is always nice. I guess I could post on that atrocity that is MySpace, but I'm not in the mood for feedback to be "omgz!! Dats so funny dat hppend 2 ME 2!" or some fucking bot trying to get me to view their webcam (that's what my girlfriend and a camera phone are for). So I'm here to stay for the zero people who read this.

So I don't have cable. And the summertime is shit for tv shows. So I'm watching American Inventor. It must be a fad or something, but there is a snooty British guy on the judge's panel. What the hell? America's Got Talent also has one. Why are snooty British guys judging us? Bastards.

Ok I'm watching the credits for the American Inventor and it was created by Simon Cowell. Hence the British guy. Nice.

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